Home Breaking News 15,000 applied for recent Work Ready Pool recruitment drive

15,000 applied for recent Work Ready Pool recruitment drive

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The Labour Mobility Unit within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade (MFAET) has announced that a total of 15,024 applicants have made their submissions for its Work Ready Pool recruitment drive in the past two weeks.

The LMU made this announcement as it further acknowledges efforts made by applicants to send in their submissions through the online/email modes of application.

Of the total applicants, 4060 made online submissions, while the majority of 10,964 submitted their documents using the email address provided.

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Despite email being the most preferred mode of submission, the LMU has noted that a high number of email submissions have been sent more than once. There is also a number of email users who have submitted applications for more than one applicant. So, the total number of email submissions can be more or less considering the factors mentioned.

The Labour Mobility Office is therefore working to collate the data that is available and develop a list according to the days these submissions were made.

The LMU is looking to start screening applicants from this round of submission around the middle or end of April 2023.



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