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TWO prominent national leaders have reconciled today as a demonstration of responsible and mature leaders.

The reconciliation is to resolve the differences expressed against each other during the recent National General Elections.

A small reconciliation ceremony was held at the Outback Hotel with exchanges of traditional shell money between the Leader of Opposition Hon Matthew Wale and Chairman of Government Caucus Hon Namson Tran.

Reverend John Subu who presided over the reconciliation has acknowledged the humility shown by both leaders to come together to reconcile their differences.

Reverend Subu said reconciliation and forgiveness are manifestations of humble and true leadership.

“True reconciliation and forgiveness comes from God and I must acknowledge the two leaders for their humility,” he said.

Reverend Subu encouraged for more bipartisan partnership and reconciliations for the good of this country moving forward.

Hon Wale speaking during the ceremony said reconciliation is a national responsibility and as mature leaders whatever differences we have, we must reconcile it and move forward.

He said it is a sign of new friendship and new beginnings.

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Hon Tran in response also shared a similar sentiment that it is a manifestation of mature leadership.

The West Honiara MP said its time to forget the past and work together for the good of this nation and our people.

“Let us forget the past and move forward,” Hon Tran said.

The reconciliation was witnessed by the MP for West New Georgia Vonavona Hon George Temahua and officials from both parties.

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