Home Agriculture Sogavare announces export of taro, pineapple, melon as gov’t injects $4m for...

Sogavare announces export of taro, pineapple, melon as gov’t injects $4m for  treatment facilities

Melon is amongst the local produces that the government wants to start exporting
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Minister of Finance and Treasury Manasseh Sogavare has revealed that the government expects to export Bi-monthly of 15-20 tons of fresh pineapples to the existing Australian market, quarterly export of 5-10 tons of mangoes, melons and vegetables to other small island countries in the pacific.

Delivering his $4.8 billion estimates for 2025 financial year under the theme “Accelerating Accountable and Transformative Investments: A Pathway Towards A Resilient and Sustainable Economy,Sogavare said the government’s transformational agenda is reflected under the four foundational pillars.

One of the key pillars is economic transformation which the government has increased resource to it especially in the agriculture sector.


Sogavare said in order to export these agriculture produces, the government has allocated $4 million to export treatment facilities – VHT, fumigation.

He said the program is designed to establish capacity to export fresh pineapples, vegetables/spices, taro, mangoes and melons according to international standards.

“The government expects to export Bi-monthly of 15-20 tons of fresh pineapples to the existing Australian market. Quarterly export of 5-10 tons of mangoes, melons and vegetables to other small island countries in the pacific. Construction of two fumigation chambers (fumigation machines already in the country). Full operationalization of the VHT plant (about to begin treatment trials), mass production of pineapples, storage shed for pineapples and export containers for pineapples,” Sogavare said.

The minister of finance said 2025 Budget represents the Government for National Unity and Transformation’s (GNUT) commitment to build a united, transformative and inclusive sustainable economic growth.

He said the government recognises that Solomon Islands not only has the natural rseources, but also has the human resources needed to support and further strenghthen its economic initiatives, not only in 2025, but also in the years ahead. The government believes that by putting adequate resources to strategic key pillars of the economy, everyone can realise and benefit from more tangible outcomes in the future.

Mr. Speaker, the 2025 budget preparation was grounded on the following development objectives;

  1. (a)  Promote more transformative and sustainable growth activities.

  2. (b)  Maintaining an affordable Budget

  3. (c)  Safeguard fiscal stability

  4. (d)  Improve service delivery through quality spending

  5. (e)  Improve national unity and empower people

  6. (f)  Improve good governance and accountability

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