TWO Primary School Teachers from Kolokolo Primary School (KPS) in Southeast Vela, Western Province, have become the first household to utilize Sato Pan Toilets as part of the sanitation program currently implemented by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Solomon Islands in the area.

Patrina Lonipitu and Lavinta Kanave, Primary Teachers at Kolokolo United Church Primary School (KUCPS), expressed their happiness in utilizing the Sato Pan Toilets that has being installed in their staff houses in February this year.
ADRA Solomon Islands is currently implementing the Solomon Islands National Sanitation Sustainability Plan (NSSP) Sanitation Project across Vela, Rannogah, and Kolobangara Islands in the Western Province.
This program was funded by Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and implemented by ADRA Solomon Islands that aims to enhance sustainable sanitation services delivery at both provincial and national levels while promoting improved hygiene practices within communities.

During a recent visit by the ADRA Communications and Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) team, saw Patrina Lonipitu and Lavinta Kanave were the first to utilize these Sato Pan Toilets around South Vela Constituency.
Lavinta Kanave, a Primary Teacher at Kolokolo Primary School was smiling and confidently shared to ADRA team success story about using her new Sato Pan toilets during an in interview.
‘’I fully confidently recommended that sato pan toilet was best and suitable for rural dwellers and community that experience water shortage. It’s best, cheapest and places that have no water, sato pan is best’’
 “This Sato Pan Toilet is ideal and straightforward for rural communities. It consumes minimal water; just one mineral water bottle suffices. Not only does it save water, but it also eliminates the inconvenience of traveling to beaches, especially during unfavorable weather or at night,” Ms. Kanave shared.
Reflecting on her previous challenges, Ms. Kanave added, “When I first arrived here, the staff house lacked proper toilets, it requiring walks to the beach for relief. However, with the introduction of these new Sato Pan Toilets, our lives have significantly improved. Our children are also delighted with the convenience, particularly considering the scarcity of water in our area.”
“I urge the residents of South Vela or anyone to consider adopting Sato Pan Toilets. They are cost-effective and environmentally friendly compared to traditional seismic bowl toilets which very expensive and requires more water, please go for sato pan toilets,” Happy School Teacher ,Ms Kanave testify.
However, similar sentiments was shared by another Primary School Teacher, Patrina Lonipitu, has expressed gratitude for the positive impact of the Sato Pan Toilets on her family’s well-being.
 “Since the installation of these toilets, our lives have been transformed. We no longer have to endure the unsanitary conditions of the old toilets or rely on beach visits for sanitation needs. ADRA’s intervention has truly transformed rural living,” Ms. Lonipitu affirmed.
She concluded by acknowledging ADRA and its donors for their commitment to improving sanitation standards in rural communities.
 “I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to ADRA for spearheading this program and to the generous donors for their invaluable support in bringing about positive change in South Vela.”
‘’Here in Kolokolo water is very difficult and we only received water during rain times where we usually stored water in water tanks and empty drums. But since the introduction of this sato pan toilet, it makes our life easier and easing walking distance for us which not safe for our children to go at beach, ’An excited Ms Lonipitu expressed during an interview.
The SaTo pan is a toilet pan that uses a mechanical and water seals to close off pit latrines form open air. This reduces disease transmission from flying insects that come into contact with human waste. It also eliminates the unsightly appearance and odors from open pit latrines and reduces the volume of water needed to flush.
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