Preparatory work for new Air Traffic Control Towers at Honiara and Munda International Airports have commenced. This work is being financed under the Second Solomon Islands Roads and Aviation Project (SIRAP2), which is implemented by the Ministry of Communication and Aviation and supported by the World Bank.
Egis Asia Company Limited have been hired to develop the design and building plans for the new towers. The Concept Design is complete and the final Design Report and tender documents are underway. A contract for the construction is expected to be signed in early 2024.
The new Air Traffic Control Towers will meet local and international building and aviation standards, and will be designed to withstand climate impacts and weather conditions.
The towers will also be furnished with the latest equipment to ensure international aviation standards are met and air travel to Honiara and Munda is safe, reliable and effective.
“We look forward to seeing construction begin on these new towers that will improve air travel in our country. I’m also pleased that they will be designed to represent local influences and Solomon Islands culture,” said Moses Virivolomo Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Communication and Aviation. “Thank you to the World Bank for the ongoing support through SIRAP2 and the ongoing efforts to improve the safety and effectiveness of travel to, and within, Solomon Islands” he added.
SIRAP2 is also constructing four new bridges in Malaita (Kolofe1, Kolofe2, Su’u Harbor, and Bira Bridges), upgrading roads in Noro, providing upgrades to Honiara and Munda Airports and Santa Cruz (Lata) Airfield, providing investments in air navigation systems in Makira-Ulawa and Temotu Provinces, and supporting regional airport maintenance.
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