Home News National Youth Policy under mid-term review

National Youth Policy under mid-term review

Makira stakeholders
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The Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs (MWYCFA) with the support of UNICEF is currently conducting a mid-term review of the National Youth Policy (NYP) 2017 – 2030.

The policy outlines the Solomon Islands Government’s long-term vision and mission for development and empowerment of the country’s youth population aged between 15 and 34, within the framework of the National Development strategy (NDS) 2016-2035 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030.


The purpose of this mid-term review is to consider the progress, achievements, challenges and learning against the policy goal, objectives, priority policy outcomes and strategic actions areas, with recommendations focusing on the first stage of the policy implementation from year 2017 to 2023, to help inform the direction of the second stage, where appropriate and relevant. The policy has six priority policy outcomes that focus on Educational Empowerment, Economic Empowerment, Health & Wellbeing, Sustainable Development; Leadership, Governance, Peace Building, Social Inclusion and Citizenship; and Evidence-based Approaches, Access to information and Provincial implementation strategies. Permanent Secretary Dr Cedrick Alependava said the review is important for the government to remain relevant in its policies and strategies in addressing issues and challenges facing young women and men in the country.

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Dr Alependava stressed the current context for youth development is one of challenge and opportunity and following the global Covid pandemic and its various impacts, and with economic and environmental challenges -youth development and its role in supporting young people to hold positive aspirations for their lives and their place within communities is vital. He highlighted that Solomon Islands is a youthful nation which means 70 percent of the total population in Solomon Islands in 2015 were below 34 years of age therefore youth development and empowerment has an essential role to play in the advancement of mainstreaming youth and youth agendas in cross cutting developments, policies, and social change. He said whilst embarking on more innovative ways to address youth development and the country, partnerships continues to be key in the way youth development is approached therefore his Ministry remains committed to work closely with all stakeholders and development partners to jointly address the challenges facing youths.

The Permanent Secretary on behalf of the Solomon Islands Government acknowledges UNICEF for funding assistance under its support for Child and Youth Participation to meet costs for MidTerm Review of the National Youth Policy (NYP). National Consultants Ms Ethel Sigimanu and Ms Josephine Kama are supporting the Youth Development Division within the Ministry in the review process through consultation workshops and interviews with stakeholders and young people in all provinces including Honiara.


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