Home News MEHRD receives new vehicle from UNICEF

MEHRD receives new vehicle from UNICEF

UNICEF Chief Field Officer Benjamin Grubb, left, handover the key to MEHRD Permanent Secretary Dr Franco Rodie as UNICEF WASH Specialist Abigail Tevera and MEHRD local TA Clement Tito looks on.
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The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development took delivery of a new brand vehicle to support its Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) project.

The vehicle was donated by United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and handed over to the Permanent Secretary, Dr Franco Rodie by UNICEF Chief Field Officer based in Honiara, Benjamin Grubb at UNICEF headquarter in Ranadi yesterday.

Witnessing the handover ceremony were UNICEF WASH Specialists Abigail Tevera, Issifu Adama and staff Francis Fiku and MEHRD local Technical Advisor Clement Tito.

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PS Dr Rodie in a brief remark acknowledged UNICEF for its continuous financial and technical support to MEHRD and assured UNICEF that his ministry would utilize the vehicle for its intent purposes.

He acknowledged UNICEF for its current support, especially with the implementation of the WASH project.

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In accordance with the new Education Act 2023, WASH facilities must be constructed and be accessible to all children attending ece centres, primary and secondary schools throughout the country.

Additionally, all ece centres and schools to be registered with the MEHRD are required to have the minimum WASH facilities built before they could be allowed to operate. WASH facilities are one of the paramount criterions that is used currently to qualify ece centres and schools to be registered as a training institution.

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