Home Education MEHRD Continues to Support Education Authority Leadership

MEHRD Continues to Support Education Authority Leadership

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The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD) successfully conducted the 2023 Education Authorities Annual Planning Workshops from 13 – 17 March 2023. The Planning Meeting was attended by forty-five (45) Education Authority representatives from across the country. The workshop was held at the SIBC Conference Room in Honiara. The final day of the workshop (17th March) was held at B17 Dive and Beach Bungalows, West Guadalcanal.

he Education Authorities Annual Planning Workshop is an important dialogue between Education Authorities and the MEHRD, together with representatives from line Ministries, Education Stakeholders and NGOs. The objectives of the workshops were; to discuss issues and challenges that affect EAs, new developments, perspectives, experiences, and expectations related to the delivery of education services in schools in the context of the medium-term National Education Action Plan (NEAP) 2022-2026.

Furthermore, this year’s workshop provided an opportunity for learning and discussion through information sharing by MEHRD Divisions, key MEHRD Projects and Programs and NGO partners including Save the Children, Cognition

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Additionally, areas of opportunity were identified for EA’s to strengthen the implementation of the NEAP 2022-26, which allow for targeted support to be provided by MEHRD through the EA Strategic Support Divisions.

On Day three (3) of the workshop, the Office of the Ombudsman was invited and did a presentation on good decision-making processes and procedures.

The presentation also focused on book keeping and record keeping of important matters that are dealt with at the EA level including having a complaint handling system to address teachers’ grievances and welfare.

The workshop concluded with reflections as well as presentations by guest speakers from SINU on ethical leadership and leading educational systems. Associate Professor, Elliot Mugamu, (PhD) from the Faculty of Business and Tourism, presented a topic on ethical leadership emphasising to EAs on the need to have effective and ethical leaders, to role model, motivate and direct employees toward organizational sustainability, success and growth. He stated that “it is important to note that in every organization you will always find people who are (or may be) ethically challenged.

Dr Jack Maebuta, Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic) presented on leading educational systems with a focus on Educational Management and Educational Leadership.

The last EA Annual Planning Workshop was in 13th – 19th September 2022 which was followed by an EA Tok Stori Resolution update in August 2022 and an EA Conference in December 2022. The next EA Annual Planning Workshop is planned for 15th – 22nd November 2023.

MEHRD acknowledges the Solomon Islands Education Sector Support Program (ESSP) in supporting the delivery of the 2023 Education Authority Planning Meeting, as well as provision of direct budget support for MEHRD to deliver annual work programme activities aligned with the NEAP 2022-2026.

ESSP is delivered in partnership with the Solomon Islands Government and is funded by the Governments of Australia and New Zealand to improve access to quality basic education for all children in Solomon Islands.

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