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Mangau: RSIPF is waiting for the OAG to formally refer the report to commence investigation

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RSIPF and OAG discuss ESP audit report

Mangau says: RSIPF is waiting for the OAG to formally refer the report to RSIPF to commence investigation

OAG to formally refer the report to RSIPF to The Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) and the Office of Auditor General (OAG) have commenced preliminary discussions on the OAG’s Economic Stimulus Package (ESP) audit report.

RSIPF Commissioner, Mostyn Mangau, confirmed that RSIPF is waiting for the OAG to formally refer the report to RSIPF to commence investigation.

Commissioner Mangau said any issue that comes out from the ESP report will follow their normal process of dealing with cases under investigation.

Given the nature of the ESP report, the RSIPF may need time and resources to make a thorough investigation on this particular matter.

“While I appreciate public concern on the ESP audit report, RSIPF is still to receive the formal referral and we will investigate when we receive the report. What I would say at this point is, be patient and allow RSIPF and AOG to do their work,” the RSIPF Commissioner added.


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