Home News Malaita Premier Fini “We are here for Dialogue & Engagement”

Malaita Premier Fini “We are here for Dialogue & Engagement”

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Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare MP has received a courtesy visit from Malaita Premier honorable Martin Fini and his full executive on Friday last week.

Premier Fini took that opportunity to introduce his new government styled as Malaita New Government for Fundamental Redirection or MNGFR.

The Malaita Premier stressed the importance of the meeting, stating the need for dialogue in order to reconnect the once disrupted relationship with the national government.

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Malaita Premier Martin Fini addressed Prime Minister Sogavare saying “My government is willing and united to work with our National government, to serve our people, as the previous MARA government meaningless pursuit of disengagement with our National Government has proven to be costly and meaningless, where our people have suffered unnecessarily by the false hope that was forced on them.”

Malaita Premier Hon. Martin Fini re-emphasized the need for the meeting “we are here for dialogue and engagement as we see the need for dialogue in order to reconnect the disconnect, so our people will have faith and trust restored in their government.”

The leader of the MNGFR and his executive raised a lot of issues with PM Sogavare. One particular issue highlighted was former MARA’s irresponsible leadership which has left the Malaita Provincial government in a financial mess.

According to Premier Fini internal audits have shown that there were financial mismanagement and that has resulted in Malaita Provincial Government failing to qualify for PCDF funding from the Ministry of Provincial Government.

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare in his response reassured Malaita Premier Fini that the national government will do all it can to support and address issues raised.


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