The Livelihood Sector Committee (LSC) of the National Disaster Operation Committee (N-DOC) has commenced its Food and Water distribution support to ‘Isolation Households’ within the Honiara Emergency Zone yesterday.
Four ‘Isolation Households’ of which two are in Central Honiara and one each in East and West Honiara received their relief food supplies from the LSC distribution team, yesterday evening. The households went into isolation after their family members were tested positive for Covid-19.
The Committee carried out the distribution based on instructions and information provided by the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) to ensure there is no further Covid-19 transmission into our communities and that those instructed by the Ministry of Health to go on isolation will normally take up to 14-days isolation period.
Each household received 2 bags of 10kg rice, 24 cans of white flakes Taiyo, 30 packets of butter biscuits, a plastic of cassava and a carton of mineral water.
Chairman of the LSC Michael Ho’ota said deliveries will continue today and throughout the lockdown period adding more household’s that went into isolation expect relief food supplies to be delivered at their respective homes drop-off points by the Committee’s distribution team.
He said the delivery to the four ‘Isolation Households’ yesterday start off the Committee’s ‘Isolation Households Support’ response plan which focus mainly on families or households that went into isolation after a member or members of their families are tested positive for the virus (Covid-19).
Support delivery of food kits, water and fresh food will continue in the coming days until the lockdown is lifted.
The LSC is co-headed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL), Ministry of Fisheries and Honiara City Council together with other stakeholders and partners. The Committee is working closely with Honiara City Council on the food delivery mechanism.
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