Home News Labour mobility to Australia continues during Pacific Games 2023

Labour mobility to Australia continues during Pacific Games 2023

workers demonstrating the Solomon Islands ‘Here to Work’ brand
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This week a cohort of 118 workers are undergoing a two-day pre departure training conducted by the LMU before deploying to work in Australia.  Special presentations were made by Australian Deputy High Commissioner Ms Sally-Anne Vincent and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade (MFAET) officials.

The briefings ensure workers are fully prepared for their assignments and smoothly transition into their new roles, work environment and communities in Australia.

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Australian Deputy High Commissioner, Sally-Anne Vincent, said ‘Australia is committed to supporting existing efforts to strengthen economic growth and livelihood in Solomon Islands. The PALM Scheme is just one example of how Australia is working with local government, partners, and organisations to build on this.’

Throughout the Pacific Games period, the Labour Mobility Unit (LMU) has continued to facilitate pre-departure briefings for Solomon Islanders going to work in Australia under the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme.

Australia is pleased to support the Solomon Islands Government’s labour mobility efforts through the established Solomon Islands Support Services (SISS). SISS assists the LMU with appropriate services, including pre-departure and mobilisation activities.

‘The program builds people-to-people links by bridging Australian and Solomon Islander communities together, and most notably, remittances enable workers to build homes for their families, start a business, pay educational fees, or build community classrooms and churches.’

As of October 2023, almost 6,000 Solomon Islander workers have been successfully mobilised to Australia under the PALM Scheme arrangement. This achievement underscores the Australian Government’s commitment to facilitating labour mobility and providing valuable opportunities for workers abroad.

The Solomon Islands Government wishes to build on this success, to ensure that approved employers in Australia continue recruiting from Solomon Islands and there is increased demand for Solomon Islander workers.

Australia is proud to support the Solomon Islands government achieve its labour mobility targets of 10,000 by the end of 2025 and 16,000 by the end of 2028.

Pre-departure briefings and mobilisation of workers will continue throughout the Pacific Games and Christmas period.

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