Home News From Island Melodies to Global Dreams: Elexter Jr. Takes Flight

From Island Melodies to Global Dreams: Elexter Jr. Takes Flight

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By Telebere News

Youth and Travel blogger

Hailing from the Western Province, Solomon Islands, Elexter Junior Bulehite, also known as Elexter Jr. isn’t your average rising star. With a voice seasoned by island rhythms and a heart full of pop and R&B influences, he’s carving a unique path in the music scene.

Music wasn’t always the plan for Elexter. Though childhood dreams of becoming a pilot took flight, an unexpected feature on a local artist’s song in 2011 sparked a fire within him. The recording booth became his cockpit, and he hasn’t looked back since.

“Hearing myself on that song, it was a whole new feeling,” Elexter recalls. “I just fell in love with it.”

Fueled by passion and inspired by icons like Justin Bieber and James Arthur, Elexter honed his craft. Social media became his runway, where he belted out soulful covers and connected with a growing fanbase. In 2019, he took a leap of faith, releasing his debut single, “Honey.” The positive feedback was his validation.

“That’s when I knew, maybe I could make a living out of this,” he says.

Elexter’s journey reflects the challenges faced by many aspiring Solomon Islands musicians. The talent pool is vast, competition is fierce, and music isn’t always seen as a viable career path. Yet, with the rise of technology and global platforms, the winds are changing.

“It’s challenging,” Elexter acknowledges. “But with social media and the internet, it’s easier than ever to get your music out there. The Solomon Islands music scene has so much potential to reach the world.”

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He remembered that his journey was quite challenging. He started music when he was a child and music was hiscompanion. He motivates himself by listening to the radio and cassette tapes.

“I’d belt out tunes I picked up from the radio and cassette tapes my older brothers played. Little did I know that these early moments would shape my path in the world of music.”

“In 2011, an opportunity knocked on my door. Jungle Juice, a famous artist from my village, recognized my talent and invited me to feature in one of his songs. I stepped into the recording studio, nervous yet excited. As soon as I heard my voice on that track, something clicked—I fell in love with the magic of music.”

“Fast-forward to 2014. Jungle Juice and I collaborated again, this time on a tribal song celebrating our island’s heritage. The experience fuelled my passion further. But it was in 2017 that I truly spread my wings. I joined Smule, a popular musical platform, where I connected with fellow enthusiasts. Duets, covers, and collaborations became my daily routine.”

“I also created my Facebook page, sharing short covers with the world. The positive feedback from listeners fuelled my determination. Then, in 2019, my childhood best friend, Ismuki, invited me to feature on one of his songs. It was a pivotal moment—I realized I was ready to take music seriously.”

“I prepared my bank accounts, ready to dive into the business side of music. That year, I released my debut single, “HONEY.” The response was overwhelming. People connected with my music, and I knew I was onto something special. Since then, I’ve continued releasing songs, driven by the belief that I can make a living doing what I love.”

Elexter’s vision for the next five years is clear: international tours and a thriving music career. But his message to fellow island artists is one of perseverance and self-belief.

“Don’t let the criticism get you down,” he advises. “Keep working hard, keep putting out music, and eventually, your voice will be heard.”

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