Home Education Engineering Excellence: James Iro tops FNU’s school of Engineering

Engineering Excellence: James Iro tops FNU’s school of Engineering

James Iro
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By Ryan S. Iroga

For James Iro, being awarded Telecom Fiji LTD’s prize as the topper Engineering and Information Technology student at FNU’s Derrick Campus was a journey defined by determination, hard work, and navigating loss.

Graduating with a Bachelors of Electronics/ Telecommunication and Network engineering with First class Honours, James distinguished himself with a remarkable GPA of 3.71, the highest in graduating class, which secured him the prestigious award.

James describes receiving the award as a bittersweet milestone; a moment of validation for his hard work but also overshadowed by the absence of his late father.

“This award belongs to my father. Without his sacrifices and hard work, I wouldn’t have come this far.”

“I only wish that my father was here to witness me graduate but I know he is smiling from above,” James stated.

From humble beginnings to academic heights 

Hailing from Alikata Village in Central Kwara’ae, Malaita Province, James grew up in a modest household as the third of eight siblings.

At an early age, “my parents instilled within me an understanding of the importance of education as well as my faith,” James expressed.

James spent the majority of his high school years at Selwyn College National Secondary School, where he completed his Form Four through to Form Seven. Upon graduating, he was accepted into Fiji National University to pursue a degree in Engineering.

“From a young age, I dreamed of earning a degree in engineering. As my passion for learning and my love for mathematics deepened, I became more certain that engineering was the path I was meant to follow,” James explained.

Throughout the duration of completing his degree, James encountered many challenges.

“The hardest parts of the program were definitely coding and programing since there were no foundation courses that covered coding or programming in my time as a foundation student,” James explained.

He also emphasized that other challenges included adjusting to a new environment at first, managing peer pressure and always trying to keep up with course materials and assignments.

“All are part of the university life; the challenges and how you respond to it and in my case my studies always took first priority,” James added.

A moment of joy marked with loss

As James approached the final stages of his program, which included a six-month attachment at Our Telekom, he received the devastating news of his father’s passing.

“It was truly a dark moment for my family, although we saw our father grew weaker day by day, accepting that he was actually gone was not easy for me,” James recalled.

Determined to honour his father’s memory, James pushed forward.

“I was more determined to successfully finish my six months attachment and as I neared its completion an overwhelming sense of joy, sadness and pride came over me. I had finally accomplished my childhood dream but knowing that my father was not going to be there to finish this journey with me left an ache in my heart,” James said.

On December 12, 2024, James successfully graduated, becoming the first among his siblings and the first since his late grandfather to earn a university degree.

 He also became only the second Solomon Islander in recent years to receive Telecom Fiji LTD’s prestigious prize for the top Engineering and Information Technology student at FNU’s Derrick Campus.

A testament to others and future endeavours

When asked what his advice was to other aspiring students, James emphasized the importance of prioritizing what matters and perseverance.

“I encourage students who wish to pursue this program or any path they choose to always put God first, remain humble and focus on your studies,” he advised.

James also emphasized the importance of managing time wisely, learning to have self – discipline and understanding that challenges will come but they are part of the process.

“Always keep the faith and remember why you started,” he said.

James’s journey serves as a testament to resilience and a beacon of inspiration for others. A story of honouring loved ones in spite of profound loss and achieving childhood dreams that were once only a figment of our imagination.

As he embarks on the next chapter in his life, James carries not just a degree but a legacy of perseverance and hope.

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