Photo: The six departing workers are seen at the Canadian Customs and Immigration Departure area of the Airport in Canada with Solomon Hon. Consul General Ashwant Dwivedi . End.
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Member of Parliament for the East Are Are Constituency Hon. Peter Kenilorea Jnr. says that people of his constituency continue to experience the positive impact of its labour mobility partnership with Canada.

Hon. Kenilorea made these comments after the return of the six workers from Canada past week who during their short period of 3 months employment only were collectively reported to have earned a pre-tax income of SBD$ 294077.48.

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The six workers were part of a pilot project that was supported with the approval of the Canadian government that allowed the Canadian employer to hire the workers in the agriculture sector. This Program is offered under the Skills Ready initiative jointly offered in partnership with CITREC Canada and the East Are Are constituency. “I welcome the opportunity that Canada continues to provide to my people. We cannot deny the fact that the economy of Solomon Islands is struggling. And any support we receive through remittances is helping support our families back here in the Solomon Islands. The earnings reported by the employer for the six of my people is also welcoming news as this supports the purpose of the program which is to promote remittances into the Solomon Islands in return of the Human Resources support, we provide to the Canadian employers. This after all is a bi-lateral arrangement and it is yielding positive results for my people,” M.P Kenilorea said. “The partnership program is already a success for the EAC. I thank CITREC management and Government of Canada, Canadian employers for their continued commitment to the EAC through the successful completion of the program that has yielded positive results providing our people with experience and opportunity to earn,” Hon. Kenilorea said. ” The reported earnings are high indeed. I also hope that my constituent’s exposure and experience to Canada will help them grow personally as well,” Hon. Kenilorea said.

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Hon. Kenilorea Jnr said that he looks forward to further strengthening partnership with Canada to the benefit of his constituents. The workers under the Canadian law who are employed under the agriculture program were only each paying $30 a week for their accommodation which includes cost of rent, electricity, and water. The East Are Are constituency has become the leader in this program with Canada through its partnership with CITREC Canada. Since the establishment of its partnership last year, it has sent 4 workers in February under a special food processing project. As a result of the workers performance and following Canadian government approval their employment visas have been extended for 24 months. In the month of July Hon. Kenilorea had thanked the Canadian Government’s department of Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada for granting extension of work permits for four of the EAC in Canada. The four workers had their work permit extended for 24-months. During the media conference at Vancouver International Airport the six EAC returning workers have praised EAC partnership with Canada saying such a partnership provides them opportunity to gain international experience and at the same time make financial gains which has helped them support their families back home. Canadian employer Mr.Kara who was at the airport has also praised the work ethics of the. EAC workers added that they have applied what they have learned during the CITREC program at their workplace, and this ensured that the workers were job ready. “We are very pleased at the work ethics of the workers. They enjoyed the work and their experience at our farm. This was great work experience for the workers, and we strongly believe that we can in future explore the opportunities,” Mr. Kara said. Speaking at the Vancouver Airport workers collectively thanked EAC Member of Parliament Peter Kenilorea Jnr for his vision to engage with Canada on labour mobility and provide them with the opportunity in Canada. “The Canadian experience is very different from other programs. I have really enjoyed working here and I wish to extend my thanks to the Canadian employer and Hon Peter Jnr. I look forward to coming back to Canada to undertake this opportunity once again if it is available in the future,” Michael Waihana, one of the workers said. Charles Puiahi also thanked the employer and Peter Jnr for the opportunity and Solomon Islands Hon. Consul General for being there to facilitate the process. “This opportunity is God sent . I have gained good Canadian experience working here. I am also so grateful that this employment provides me good revenue. Thank you all for the support,” Mr. Puiahi said. Junior Wells said that his earnings had helped support his family back in the Solomon Islands. “ I want to thank everyone at the EAC office who have facilitated this program and a special thanks to Hon. Peter Kenilorea Jnr. For his vision and for making it possible for me to be out here. Also, the company and Mr. Kara for his support during our stay here in Canada thank you very much”, Mr. Wells said. Rodney Houpea said that he has gained a lot of experience during his employment in Canada and that he looks forward to the opportunity to return to be part of the Canadian labour mobility.


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