Home Breaking News CSSI entry entry exam for Saturday NOT leaked

CSSI entry entry exam for Saturday NOT leaked

Cover of the leaked exam but it was actually that of 2016
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The Correctional Services Solomon Islands (CSSI) says recruit exam papers now circulated amongst some of candidates for the entry examination on Saturday was the 2016 Exam Paper and not the 2023 Paper.

Several examinees for the CSSI Entry Exam this Saturday were claimed to be in the possession of the 2023 Exams and have been studying it. This had led to accusation of unfairness amongst some of the candidates.

A copy of the papers was also provided to SBMOnline, however, when we sent for verification, the CSSI confirmed it was one of their exam papers but that of 2016.

“With reference to the CSSI Leaked Exam Paper, I can confirm to your end that, this is the 2016 CSSI RECRUITS EXAM PAPER.

The 2023 Recruitment Exam Paper are yet to be finalized and printed, for exam this coming Saturday 11 March 2023,” Thompson Pade of the CSSI confirmed to SBMOnline.

Saturday’s exam is the final entry requirement before candidates are picked to undergo training at the CSSI school.

In the past weeks hopeful candidates had undergone fitness training with long distance running at the west side of town heading up to Rove causing traffic mayhem.


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