Home News Children of police officers’ learn basic Kung Fu skills from Chinese police

Children of police officers’ learn basic Kung Fu skills from Chinese police

Some female learn basic Kung Fu during the two days training
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Children of police officers’ of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) have learned the basic martial art Kung Fu provided by China Police Liaison Team (CPLT) recently.

The two days’ training engaged police officers children aged between 6 to 16 years old to train and build confidence in self-defence and how to be disciplined themselves.

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Superintendent John Matamaru during the opening session of the two days training said it was important it prepared the children way forward whenever they intend to join any martial art or sports activities.

RSIPF Commissioner Mostyn Mangau speaking to the children during the opening program said that they must have respect for each other when engage in such programs.

Mangau said this type of training would model “our children in a community where they reside and demonstrate discipline to reflect good behaviour because we parents are the law enforcers and look after the security of Solomon Islands.”

He said this training is highly needed to train the minds of the young ones as they grow up to mould, believe in themselves and know how to protect themselves and their family.

During the Closing program of the martial art program Deputy Commissioner (DC) Ian Vaevaso acknowledged the CPLT for their commitment in giving their extra time to train these children and teenagers as part of their social interaction, bonding, health and building positive lifestyles.

Vaevaso said they look forward to the next phase of this important training to be conducted and appreciated the continuous support rendered by the CPLT instructors during the training sessions.

The chief instructor CPLT Dong Pengpeng said, this activity can not only help children develop a good habit, but also provide an opportunity for children to have a better understanding about their police officers’ parent glorious work and responsibility, and enjoy a good time together.


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