The Church Agencies Network for Disaster Operations (CANDO) Pacific partners’ country Coordinators have attended and participate in a long week workshop and training that is held at the Trinity College, Queensland, Australia. The participants were drawn from the CANDO partner countries such as Fiji, PNG, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and Australia. Attending on behalf of the CANDO partners in the Solomon Islands are Rev Dr. Edward Kolohai, the general secretary of the Solomon Islands Christian Association (SICA) and Mr. Lionel Dau the Coordinator of CANDO consortium in the Solomon Islands.
The workshop and training has created a comfort space where all CANDO partners have a shared learnings, challenges, weaknesses and opportunities and way forward for the CANDO partners across the Pacific who implemented the disaster READY program activities through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership Program, funded by the Australian Government.
“As we are gearing toward the end of year 2023, all program activities were also winding down before the Christmas festive break. All the four countries who are implementing the Disaster READY have an end of year review with a discussion focusing around Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL),” a statement from CONDO said.
The facilitator of the workshop and training Anna Szava has highlighted that monitoring is one of the important components in the project implementation, it is the continuous process of counting, tracking and collecting data to track progress toward program objectives and holds implementation accountable for the delivery of project inputs as well as providing basis for corrective actions, whilst Evaluation and Learning is the periodic use of special studies to measure the extent to which outcomes are attributed to a program intervention and its impacts, learning and what changes have had happened as the result of project activities execution.
The Solomon Islands CANDO program Coordinator Mr. Lionel Dau said: “The workshop and training program review is important for our disaster READY program to see what long-range changes that occur in the organization or church partners and communities we are working with. Also, to measure if there could be behavioral and attitudinal change. The disaster READY program will continue for another four or so years funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) disaster READY program.”
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