Participants with ACOM Facilitators and ADRA project staff inside the Kolina 1 Anglican Church before the training commenced on Wednesday. Photo ADRA Coms.
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THE Church Agency Network Disaster Operations (CANDO) has commenced a weeklong Evacuation Centre Management Training (ECMT) for Kolina 1 and Kolina 2 Communities in Central Guadalcanal.

The ECMT training has begun on 1st of November and will end on 9th of November at the Kolina 1 Anglican Church.

Six CANDO volunteers Trainers of Trainers (TOT) from the Anglican Church of Melanesian (ACOM) facilitated the training with the support of ADRA Disaster Risk Resilient (DRR) Project Coordinator Duran Taupongi and Project officer, Leslie Molea.

The aim of disaster Training was to capacitate communities of Kolina 1 and Kolina 2 to select 14 volunteers’ representatives from their communities to build a strong safe and responsive community.

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The benefits of this workshop are:

  • Communities and leaders will be able to make informed decisions regarding disaster preparedness and responses.

  • Establish an Evacuation center committees for their respective communities.

  • Develop evacuation center procedures and plans for each community.

  • Develop Disaster Response plans for each community.

  • Develop community profile for each community.

Australia Aid through Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT) Australia Government through Australia Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) funded the program and was implemented by CANDO partners with ADRA Solomon Islands as the lead agency.

ADRA DRR Project Coordinator, Duran Taupongi, explained the importance of the workshop said that these 14 community representatives who were selected to attend the training will lead the community in terms of disaster related activities and programs before, during and after a disaster situation.

“This workshop will enable each participant to think resilience and have the mindset of preparedness instead. It’s important for participants in terms of information sharing and being informed as they are in a very vulnerable area to flooding and other related hazards,’Mr Taupogi said.

Mr Duran explained that after the training, there are retrofitting activities that will happen inside their respective communities that will be carried out by DRR team and the 14 community trained volunteers.

“This program has already started building facilities inside the community; these facilities are sanitation project. This retrofitting ensures to meet the needs of this vulnerable people living in their community, ensuring that these facilities are user friendly for them”

“Participants will take up the leading roles as they are the committees/leaders established in their community to lead and design mitigation and DRR activities which the project will support if its inside the scope of the project”

“This workshop package or training package is very virtual because it will cover different areas which are often affected and overlooked in our societies. Based on experience, disaster situations will be more harsh and severe due to this aspect that communities are uninformed and vulnerable’’

‘’Most communities here in the Solomons have no well-trained committees and no developed plans in place to counter emergencies. Hence, this workshop will pave a way for a resilient community and build strong safe and responsive communities as we are anticipating more climate change impacts and frequent disasters occurring in the future,’Mr Taupongi said.

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