Home News Australia’s new HC Hilton meets with PM Sogavare

Australia’s new HC Hilton meets with PM Sogavare

PM Sogavare flanked by HE Hilton and madam Hilton
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Australia’s new High Commissioner to Solomon Islands, His Excellency Rodney John Hilton has paid a courtesy visit to the Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Sogavare this week.

Hilton used the occasion to properly introduce himself and his partner.

The High Commissioner also took the opportunity to reaffirm and reiterate the on- going cordial and mutual bilateral relationship, and the development partnership enjoyed by Australia and Solomon Islands.

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Prime Minister Sogavare in receiving Hilton acknowledged Australia’s on- going support in the areas of infrastructure development, security, education development and other areas of common interests.

The Prime Minister highlighted in particular the Pacific Australia Labor Mobility (PALM) scheme, which has benefited the country immensely in terms of remittances.

Sogavare acknowledged Australia for the scheme, and assured Hilton that more Solomon Islanders will be going over to Australia to work and meet the unskilled labor demand of Australia.

PM Sogavare also assured Hilton that Solomon Islands would always regard Australia as the partner of choice in areas of common interests.

Hilton takes over as Australia’s High Commissioner to Solomon Islands from his predecessor Dr. Lachlan Strahan who has returned to Canberra.


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