Home Environment Capacity Building Initiative and Transparency workshop ends

Capacity Building Initiative and Transparency workshop ends

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Government prepares towards strengthening its technical and institutional capacity to meet its reporting obligation under the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement.

HONIARA, Solomon Islands-Climate Change Division in the Ministry of Environment Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM) concluded an inception workshop on Capacity Building Initiative and Transparency (CBIT) in Honiara on 15th March 2023.

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The CBIT project workshop was organized to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to review the activities and assess their relevance since the approval of the project and to provide an understanding of the role FAO and Global Environment Facility (GEF) play in the project.

The CBIT project aims to ensure the Solomon Islands has an efficient and comprehensive mitigation and adaptation system is in place through building technical and human capacity.

Speaking at the opening Deputy Secretary Technical for MECDM Mr Chanel Iroi said strengthening of institutional and technical capacities will lead to Solomon Islands to generate harmonized and quality data at the national level and drive better climate change mitigation and adaptation decision making.

“The CBIT project will ensure efficient and comprehensive mitigation and adaptation related information system through building technical and human capacities”.

He added that the project will further enable Solomon Islands to generate updated and consistent inventories of emission sources and sinks using advanced IPCC methodology to track the progress of the country’s NDC actions.

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At the closure of the workshop stakeholders were made aware of the goals of the project, its institutional and coordination arrangements to stakeholders and the role MECDM plays.

 CBIT is a Capacity-Building Initiative for Transparency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change funded under GEF with the aim to assist developing countries build local capacity and put in place relevant mechanisms to facilitate meeting the Enhanced Transparency Framework of reporting as defined in article 13 of the Paris Agreement


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