Home News Isabel Province Annual Health Conference, successfully held

Isabel Province Annual Health Conference, successfully held

Group photo of conference facilitators and participants
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A three (3) days long, Annual Health Conference held by the Isabel Provincial Health team was successfully held and completed this week at Buala, the provincial capital of Isabel Province.

The annual health conference is held every year by the provincial Ministries of Health in preparation for the Annual Operational Plan (AOP) for the following year.

However, due to COVID-19 many provincial health teams were not able to hold their annual conferences until this year. Isabel province is no exception and, from 2019 until this week, the provincial ministry of health managed to hold the conference which was a success.

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National Ministry of Health and Medical Services representatives, Heads of Departments (HODs) of Buala Hospital, Program Coordinators, Public Health Programs, Doctors and Nurses, and all other health staff.

The objectives of the conference were to review the 2021 services operational strategy or approach and planning for AOP for 2023.

In doing so National health team who attended the event, presented the new National Health Strategic Plan (NHSP), 2022 – 2031, MHMS Role Delineation Policy (RDP), Universal Health Coverage (UHC), human resource, procurement and planning and policies. Heads of clinical and provincial public health programs also presented the progress of their annual work plans, linkages to NHSP, RDP, and UHC, challenges encountered in program implementation, and more effective and efficient ways forward in terms of delivery of health services and programs.

Closing the conference Dr. Tony Quity Isabel Province Health Director thanked everyone for their time and effort in the conference that had generated constructive discussions and identify solutions which he described as critical towards paving a more effective and efficient way forward.

“After listening to the challenges, achievements, and ways forward, I am convinced that we now need a winning strategy, a strategy that will enable us to improve on our health indicators. Just about half of our 24 health indicators in 2021 were marked as red meaning relatively worse than previous years”, outlined Dr. Quity.

He then outlined that as of next year Isabel Provincial Ministry of Health will have three winning operational strategies.

“First the family level approach through the Family Health Card will be revived as of next year, to gather information on the health status of families to inform interventions, resource allocation and to make sure timely provision of services. Second is vamping up the routine immunization program as this has a cross-cutting effect because it reduces most of the infections and diseases and thirdly the strengthening of management”, said Dr. Quity.

With the strengthening of the management system, Dr. Quity explained that management will approach managerial challenges by improving three pillars which he outlined as better management of people, processes and policies, and the budget.

“Doing so will entail, capacitating Area Health Centre managers and including them in the Isabel Provincial Health Service Executive, strengthening of sub-committees such as training and medical supplies committee amongst other activities to improve management”, explained Dr. Quity.

He concluded by highlighting the need for continuous and even stronger teamwork. “As a take-home message, we need stronger teamwork, a team with a winning strategy to win for Isabel Province and to win for the Solomon Islands as a whole. Thank you and God Bless Isabel Province”, concluded Dr Quity.


  • MHMS Press Release


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