Home Breaking News Seleso urges South Guadalcanal people to stay home and avoid Honiara

Seleso urges South Guadalcanal people to stay home and avoid Honiara

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South Guadalcanal Constituency residents have been urged to stay in their villages and avoid coming to Honiara as the pandemic mercilessly ravage across Honiara City and other hotspots.

South Guadalcanal Member of Parliament, Hon. Rollen Seleso warns his constituents, coming into town will only put people’s lives and that of their families at risk in this time of community transmission.

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He said because of its remoteness, the Weathercoast is a natural isolation hotspot around nature where his people restrict themselves away from any unnecessary exposure to COVID 19.

“My good people, it is important that you pay attention to the Prime Minister’s health updates and apply ‘Safe Practice’ measures being preached. These measures include get your vaccination, maintain 2 metres physical distance, wear face masks, wash your hands frequently with soap and water, cover your mouth and nose with a bent elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing and if you develop symptoms or test positive for COVID 19, self isolate until you recover.”

The concerned South Guadalcanal MP further said, the last few days has seen a dramatic upward spike in positive COVID 19 cases especially in Honiara.  

He adds, the Ministry of Health predicts, current trend of COVID 19 spike is not slowing down any sooner.    

It is for this reason that Hon. Seleso appeals to boat owners, students and returning residents from his constituency to stay put in the village where it is safe for now.

Hon. Seleso further warns city dwellers against travelling to the weather coast.

He said, town people must not travel to the South Guadalcanal Constituency to reduce the chance of spreading the disease. Spreading the disease to his continents will not only affect their health but economic development which will eventually distort the South Guadalcanal Constituency livelihood.

 The message is clear, “we are closed to guests and town people for now.”

Villagers must not interact with visitors and tell them to return to where they come from due to COVID-19 travel and isolation restrictions imposed by the government.

With people seemingly trying to escape the city to rural areas, the government’s message has remained clear and firm, “stay at your home of residence unless strictly necessary to leave.

“It may well be an understandable human instinct to think we can outrun the virus but the fact is we can’t. What we do is risk taking it to the places we go. And in our remote and rural communities that means extra pressure on essential services and on health services that are already more distant from my people,” said the concerned South Guadalcanal MP.


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