Home Education 2 awarded Japanese Government Scholarships to study in Japan

2 awarded Japanese Government Scholarships to study in Japan

Lasi receives his air ticket from H.E Miwa
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Two Solomon Islanders will undergo post graduate studies in Japan following their farewell last Friday.

The two students will be conducting their research studies at two different institutions in Japan. Tony Lasi will be studying a Master’s in Medical Radiological Science at Fujita Health University and Martin Iniga will be studying a Doctorate study in Marine and Environmental Sciences at Ryukyu University.

During the farewell, His Excellency Miwa Yoshiaki Ambassador of Japan to Solomon Islands extended his warm congratulations to the achievers and highlighted the importance of the scholarship and the study programs that will surely benefit the society in the field of medicine, fisheries and environment in Solomon Islands.

Miwa Yoshiaki said, “Your two fields of studies are significant and you need to get the knowledge and skills to help in terms of development in the Solomon Islands after completing your studies in your specific field”.

One of the scholarship recipients, Martin Iniga expressed gratitude and acknowledgement to the Japanese government for this great opportunity.

“This scholarship is once in a lifetime opportunity and it means a lot to me, I want to thank the Japanese government for this scheme to develop human resources in the Solomon Islands as I will go out to study and get the knowledge and skills to help my country”, he said.

Lasi also thanked the Japanese government for making his study possible, he hopes that he will learn a lot from his field of study gaining new knowledge to address certain issues and close some gaps in his field of work, which will benefit the country in the years to come.

The Japanese government has awarded a number of scholarships since its inception, helping more Solomon Islanders to further their education and pursue their career goals.

The two students will leave for Japan this week and next week to begin their academic studies in their respective universities.

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