Home News Oti re-elected as Speaker, Sade new Deputy Speaker

Oti re-elected as Speaker, Sade new Deputy Speaker

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John Patteson Oti has been re-elected as the Speaker of Parliament whilst the MP for North West Guadalcanal Francis Sade is the new Deputy Speaker.

Both were unopposed and were declared this morning as the new and deputy speakers respectively by Jefferson Hallu, the Acting Clerk of the National Parliament.

Oti was nominated by Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele, Fredrick Kologeto, Jamie Vokia and George Tema, whilst Sade by former DPM Manasseh Maelanga, Makario Tagini and Rollen Seleso.

Both have accepted their new appointments.

They will be Speakers for the 12th Parliament.

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Oti had been the Speaker of the 11th Parliament. He was a former parliamentarian and a government minister including the ministry of foreign affairs.

On the other hand, Sade was the former premier of Guadalcanal Province and a new comer to national politics.

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