Home News Minister Bosawai supports with repair of NRH vehicles

Minister Bosawai supports with repair of NRH vehicles

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The new Minister for Health and Medical Services Dr Paul Popora Bosawai recently donated voluntarily spare parts worth SBD$3000 for the National Referral Hospital’s vehicle fleet particularly vehicles awaiting spare parts.

Spare parts purchased with the assistance from the Minister includes 3 x N70 Batteries for eight vehicles.

In handing over the assistance, Minister Bosawai said the vehicles are an important part of service delivery at the National Referral Hospital and so he took up the urgent but noble call to contribute voluntarily to ensure services were not affected.

“The vehicles are an integral part of the National Referral Hospital’s operations and I am happy to ensure the transport fleets remain operational and efficient, thereby enabling us to provide timely and effective healthcare services to our community,” said Dr Bosawai.


In receiving the assistance, the Fleet Manager Isaac Ramo expressed gratitude and appreciation.

On behalf of the National Referral Hospital, I would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Minister Dr Bosawai for the generous assistance of $3,000.00 worth of items provided for our transport fleet. His support plays a crucial role in maintaining the functionality and reliability of our vehicles, which are essential for our operations,” said Mr Ramo.


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