Home COVID-19 Sasamunga COVID-19 committee on stand-by mode

Sasamunga COVID-19 committee on stand-by mode

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Sasamunga COVID-19 committees continues to monitor and maintain their preparedness and response plan to stem any possible importation of the deadly virus.

They have appointed two working committees; Health COVID-19 Committee and Community COVID-19 Committee two months ago.

Secretary of PJ Twomey Memorial Hospital (Sasamunga Hospital) Reverend Caleb Kotali revealed that the committees are on stand-by mode and work closely with the Health Sector Committee of the Choiseul Provincial Disaster Operations Committee to see preparatory work on the quarantine and isolation site.

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“Health Committee will be the lead sector should the country has any confirm case.

“They will deal with the health side which falls in their line of duties.

“Community appointed members will look into the protection, livelihood and other areas,” the Unite Church leader and former parliamentarian explained adding that they coordinate with the Provincial Disaster Operations Committee (P-DOC).

Designated quarantine centre for the sub-station is their community hall. A wing of the hospital building has been identified and assessed for the isolation ward.

Rev. Kotali also urged the provincial and national government to fast-track the preparatory works which will give them an assurance of a readiness state since they are in the risk zone where their local population traverse to Noro port, Bougainville and Honiara. 

The Choiseul Provincial Health teams with supporting agencies have completed their community awareness for the past two months.

The United Church owned hospital serves more than 2000 people in the nearby villages of South Choiseul constituency and is an alternate Hospital to Taro Hospital in major disasters.

The National Disaster Management Plan 2018 recognises the role of ward and villages as critical to support self-help for Disaster Management in preparing for, responding to and recovering from disasters. Thus, Sasamunga in South Choiseul has demonstrated the practicality and the importance of community and village participation in the whole of Solomon Islands Government response to COVID-19.

Secretary of PJ Twomey Memorial Hospital Reverend Caleb Kotali who plays an important role for their community’s preparedness plans.

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