Home COVID-19 Solomon Airlines extends suspension of international flights

Solomon Airlines extends suspension of international flights

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– Scheduled international passenger services suspended until 15 July 2020

– Approved international charter and cargo flights still possible

– Domestic flights within Solomon Islands continue

Following the 27 March announcement that Solomon Airlines scheduled international passenger flights will be suspended until 31 May, 2020, the airline has now extended the suspension a further seven weeks, until 15 July 2020.
Colin Sigimanu, Manager Commercial for Solomon Airlines said “This action has been taken in consultation with the Solomon Islands Government and is a necessary precaution due to the uncertainty of COVID-19 and the resulting current border restrictions.
“We will continue to closely monitor border restrictions in place with our Pacific neighbours and we will provide further updates if there are any changes to this time frame,” he added.
The airline continues to remain flexible and available to operate Solomon Islands Government approved cargo and charter flights as needed. The Solomon Islands Government has also recently confirmed their progress in building in-country COVID-19 capabilities with the expectation that Solomon Airlines will be operating repatriation flights to the Solomon Islands once these are approved.
Solomon Airlines is now in the process of contacting impacted passengers who had booked directly with the airline on flights previously available from June through to mid-July. All passengers who booked through third party agents will be contacted by their travel agencies.
Further details are available on the Solomon Airlines Travel Advice page.
Original 27 March scheduled international flight suspension news here

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