Home HCC HCC Core Committee calls to put issue to rest

HCC Core Committee calls to put issue to rest

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The members of the Honiara City Council Core Committee (the 4 Cs), have came out to urge their colleague Councillor for Vavaya ward Billy Abae, to put away all differences and work together for the betterment of the City.
The concern was raised after there have been much publicity and mudslinging in the media lately.
The 4Cs members Deputy Mayor Cr. Charles Chekah Aiwosuga, Cr. Robert Oge and Cr. Eddie Siapu in a joint statement, asked the former Chairman of Finance to put the issue to rest and allow it to be resolved internally.
The statement said whatever issues between the parties concerned can be tabled before the next Full Council meeting to further discuss it.
Also as leaders of the City, it is high time for everyone to work together amidst the Covid 19 State of Public Emergency imposed, to focus and serve the Honiara populace and City.
Furthermore in this challenging time, the interest of the Honiara City Council and Residence of Honiara must be the priority focus and there must be a better understanding amongst everyone.
The 4 Cs members urged their colleague to come forward and settle whatever differences and not to politicise issues in the media, which may have negative impacts and cause division when everyone should be united to serve the City as leaders.
Also it is the first time for HCC to have a strong relation with the National Government and align Ministries, and these issues should not cause a bad image in this partnership.
The 4C members further call that all these issues is now put to rest and allow the process of resolving it in an amicable way internally.
Deputy Mayor Charles Chekah Aiwosuga will be the acting Mayor as of 8th May, since the City Mayor Cr. Wilson Mamae will be having his holiday leave.

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