Home News Solomon Islands Endim Vaelens Agenstim Pikinini (SIEP) Programme launch

Solomon Islands Endim Vaelens Agenstim Pikinini (SIEP) Programme launch

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A joint Advocacy programme to ensure children in the Solomon Islands are safe and protected from all forms of violence and participate as active agents of change was launched on Tuesday this week in Honiara.

Permanent Secretary Ministry of Women, Youth and Children’s affairs, Dr Cedrick Alependava in his keynote address said “it is high time we have a coalition to address the protection issues of children in the Solomon Islands. The DCCGA government wants us all to work together as a team. Let us not work in isolation.”

The “Solomon Islands Endim Vaelens Agenstim Pikinini” (SIEVAP) programme will be implemented in the country by Save the Children, ChildFund, and World Vision Solomon Islands.

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“We cannot afford to not achieve our goals, our children are depending on us to be the force for change” Country director Save the Children, Lisa Cuatt said during the launch today.

The Coalition will work to support families and communities to protect children from all forms of violence, respond to, and address child protection issues, and work closely with the Solomon Islands Government on policy and legislative reforms to protect children from all forms of violence.

“We need to go beyond the boundaries of each of our organisations as separate entities or ‘organisms’ and start collaborating as a single organism and as Solomon Islanders in the quest for ending violence against children”. Eileen Kwalea, Senior Project Officer ChildFund Solomon Islands said during the launch.

“World vision is committed to working with the implementing partners, communities, and Government agencies to achieve the project’s goal, which is Working to ensure children in the Solomon Islands are safe and protected from all forms of violence and participate as active agents of change.”  World Vision Solomon Islands Country Director, Jimmy Andapdap highlighted during the launch when reaffirming the organizations commitment to child protection in the country.

The Coalition will work in Honiara, Malaita and Western provinces.

The Solomon Islands Endim Vaelens Agenstim Oketa Pikinini is Supported by the New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT).


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