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Cervical & breast cancer top list of patients at NRH as awareness ‘Pinktober’ launched

NRH's Oncology Unit staff and others marking NRH-Oncology Day Care 4th Anniversary & Pinktober Launching 2022 program on Monday at the hospital.
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Oncology Unit marks NRH-Oncology Day Care 4th Anniversary & Pinktober Launching 2022 program

By Timothy Inifiri Jr.

The National Referral Hospital’s Oncology Unit on Monday marked the NRH-Oncology Day Care 4th Anniversary & Pinktober Launching 2022 program with October being the breast cancer awareness month. At the same time, it was revealed that cervical and  breast cancer are the highest amongst patients at NRH followed by oral or mouth cancer.

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Head of Oncology Unit, Dr. Andrew Soma said that his unit which mostly deals with cancer registration and chemotherapy, have through the years saw the number of cancer patients (general cancer) increasing at a steady rate with cervical and breast cancer topping the list of patients.

“With breast cancer among the highest patients in the list, that is why it is important that we do more awareness and educate people especially girls and women mostly about the detection of the cancer and how to prevent it,” he said.

Seeing a few statistics collected from the past years with breast cancer among top cancers in the country, Dr. Soma says that it is one of the main reasons why breast cancer is very important for “us to deal with and so does the importance of the Pinktobber which was launched.”

“According to some of our statistics, the cancer which we’ve given the highest number chemotherapy to it’s patients is breast cancer as well followed by Oral cancer (mouth cancer)”, he said.


With higher demands for chemotherapy nowadays, Dr. Soma expressed some of the challenges that his Oncology Units faces including a short in number of staff which is one of the main reasons why they are delaying with their accurate data.

Also attending the ceremony were some of the cancer survivors in the country, sharing their experiences and stories to the audience, marking the Pinktober Launching.








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