Premier Sade
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The Guadalcanal Province Premier Francis Belande Sade calls on people to respect Honiara.

The call is made in light of the rioting, looting and destruction of business properties in the capital city last week. Premier Sade says “as the province that hosts Honiara, we appeal to people to respect Honiara and refrain from more violence, looting and destruction of properties.”

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He says the Guadalcanal Province is saddened and insulted by destruction of properties in Honiara last week.

“What happened was an attack on, not only Honiara City, but also Guadalcanal Province, especially given that some of the destructions occurred within our provincial boundary,” says Premier Sade.

He calls on the National Government and Malaita Provincial Government to come together and sort out their differences in a dialogue, rather than using violence to express political differences.

“While I understand the heightened political differences and sensitivity, it is vital that we resolve this in a civil manner that reflects and respects the offices we hold,” says Premier Sade.

He urges the parties to “use the legal and bureaucratic processes our country has to express political views and influence outcomes”, adding “if these do not work effectively, let’s make reforms.”

Premier Sade says “the destruction of business properties and public facilities has already and will continue to have adverse impacts on Solomon Islands and our people.”

He says Guadalcanal Province is willing to help facilitate a dialogue between the Central Government and the Malaita Provincial Government. End/-

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