On Friday 14th July 23 Taskforce Cori Mada (TFCM2) and the Malty Police Support Group (MPSG) engaged in the first-ever combined MPSG exercise in preparation in preparation for the upcoming South Pacific Games (SPG) and Elections in the Solomon Islands.
The exercise is to synchronize and accomplish the monitoring of undesirable gatherings of crowed or groups in the upcoming event during the end and the beginning of the upcoming year.
The combined exercise is also to test the alliance of MPSG with its techniques, effectiveness, and proficiency as a support group.
The MPSG is a joint coordination task force working together in the Hapi Isles, with the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF), RSIPF Fire and Rescue Service, Royal Police New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC), New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF), Australia Defence Force (ADF), Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Republic of Fiji Military Force (RFMF).
TFCM2 after more than 6 months of deployment were engaged in the shooting range in Tenaru, as they were familiarized with their weapons and were challenged by their commanding officer Lt Col Asaeli Toanikeve from 100m range.
This challenge was to see each TFCM2’s marksmanship and accuracy with their very own personal weapons.
– Republic of Fiji Military Force-